Sunday 10 February 2013

It's a crime! (Or a mystery...)

Rhian Davies, stellar in the crime scene, has blogged about Crimefest's Flashbang contest at her excellent blog, It's a crime! (Or a mystery...). I contributed my Top Five Tips for writing winning entries, in this case stories under 150 words long. Here's a sneak peek:

Get your title right. It’s the first thing the judges read. Is it eye-catching? Does it intrigue? If it’s one word, does it have at least two meanings? The best titles complete the story, by holding or revealing its secret. Good writers will spend even longer on the title than they do on the story, especially if it’s flash fiction.

I interviewed Rhian here at Crawl Space last year, when she talked about TV adaptations, debut novels and chance encounters in the M&S foodhall.

You can enter Flashbang here - the deadline is 1 March, so get cracking.

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