Thursday 31 July 2008

Ever so slightly bonkers

It's mid-summer in the English countryside. A pensioner in desert campaign shorts worn with knee length socks is judging - sternly - a race between two small boys on pedal scooters over on the village green. Our house smells of manure because it's that time of year when you need the windows open and the farmer needs to plough his fields. What isn't brown and stenchy out there, is much too green. The postman brought a terrific haul just now. Another five copies of the Fish Anthology, which will be winging their way to those who asked. A tin of biscuits from France - yum. And a big envelope with photos and memorabilia from the prison camp, courtesy of my mother's fellow internee. Right, back to work.


Gay Degani said...

I always love the photos you have. And I am very bonkers but hopefully we're leaving on vaca in a few days and it will restore the juice.

Sarah Hilary said...

Have a great holiday, Gay!